Click HERE to download Life Notes Information for January
01- REMOVE CLUTTER: spend time asking God to help you remove any spiritual clutter in your life. What is He revealing to you? What does HIS word reveal to you about who He is?
02- LOVING UNION: Our doing for Jesus should flow out of our love to be with Jesus. Enjoy being in His presence.
03- SABBATH: A dedicated time to break from ALL work, to devote yourself to Worship, delighting in life, and centering yourself of God. This should be done weekly, and daily. Find time today to delight in life and see God in it.
04- EARS TO HEAR: Ask God to give you ears to hear His voice. We need His direction daily. As we drive to work, pick up the kids from school, and many others. Listen for His voice.
05- DEEP WATERS: Obedience brings blessing. How can you allow God to call the shots in your life? What is He asking of you? What are the deep waters He is bringing you to?
06- THE CHURCH: Staff and Volunteers. Pray for clear Vision for our Pastors. Pray for willing/able Volunteers to partner with in the Ministry of Pivot Church.
07- YOUR FAMILY: pray for direction and clarity, and a move of the Holy Spirit in your home. Ask God to reveal a WORD for you and your family for the year.
08- SILENCE AND SOLITUDE: Life can be noisy and busy. Full of many distractions. To help us navigate through it, God promises His peace. Find three times today to silence the noise and focus on Gods goodness in your life.
09- HEALTHY TEMPLES: Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. A Daniel fast is healthy to our bodies because we are eating better. However, we also need to incorporate physical health. Better sleeping habits, exercise, and what we allow into our eyes. What areas do you struggle in?
10- FAITH: How can your Faith be increased today? As you pray, ask the Lord to strengthen your faith. What are a few areas where you feel the Lord is stretching you in?
11- Holy Spirit: Pray for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to strengthen you and guide you everyday. What Gifts of the Holy Spirit might you have? For reference, read 1 Corinthians 12:8-10,28-30 & Romans 12:6-8
12- Healing: Physical and spiritual Healing. Pray for God to reveal strongholds that have a hold on your life, mind, and family. Pray fervently that they be demolished in Jesus name.
13- Cast your Fears: Spend time in prayer casting any fear or anxiety you may have at the feet of Jesus. Know that He loves you and cares for you. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17
14- GENEROSITY: Read and meditate on Acts 20:35 ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” What areas can you be giving to? What are some creative ways to give? Allow God to speak to you and challenge you in this.
15- Fervency/Zeal for the WORD OF GOD: Pray for a desire for the Word of God, a fresh Fire.
16- Repentance: Pray for areas that you need to turn away from as you Pivot towards God.
17- Evangelism: Pray that the Kingdom of God expands and as a Church we would reach those far from God.
18- Fellowship: Pray that our church body would be united. We would grow in community as we pursue God.
19- Pivot Church: We are headed into DEEP WATERS as a Church and God is moving in and around our community. Pray that Pivot Church would recah the lost and impact our city, TOGETHER.
20- Discipleship: Jesus called us to follow Him and be His disciples. How can your life point others to Jesus? What areas of your life do you need to realign with God? In your prayer time ask God to teach you to follow Him.
21- Worship: Join us as we end our 21 Days of Fasting with a Night of Worship Saturday January 25th at 6pm. Pivot your Heart towards God in Worship.